Problems with Big Sur running PsychoPy v1.90.2

So I’ve set it up with:

from psychopy import prefs
prefs.hardware[‘audioLib’] = [‘pygame’,‘pyo’]

and I’m getting this error:

File “/Users/sam115/Downloads/experiment_folder/”, line 4, in
from psychopy import locale_setup, sound, gui, visual, core, data, event, logging
File “/Users/sam115/.psychopy3/versions/psychopy/sound/”, line 70, in
for thisLibName in prefs.general[‘audioLib’]:
File “configobj.pyc”, line 554, in getitem
KeyError: ‘audioLib’

Am I correct in thinking that means it doesn’t like pygame? Pygame is pretty essential to the experiment unfortunately, as I use it to play lots and lots of MIDI files. It looks as though this might be a fix? If so, then how would you paraphrase “installing it to another python3 installation on your system and then pointing PsychoPy preference for additional libs to include that folder” in the most idiot-friendly way possible?

Thanks again :slight_smile: