Pavlovia survey component missing from response list in Psychopy

If this template helps then use it. If not then just delete and start from scratch.

OS : MacOS
PsychoPy version : 2024.2.4
**Standard Standalone? Y
**What are you trying to achieve?: Pavlovia survey component disappeared from response list despite me having added several surveys within the past hour.

**What did you try to make it work?:

Tried to find and install plugin
Reinstalled Psychopy
Tried to create a new experiment

**What specifically went wrong when you tried that?: N/A

I have been scouring the discourse pages for so long and nobody seems to have had this issue. I’m relatively new to Psychopy, and I just need to add another Pavlovia survey component to my experiment, but the option to do so has literally disappeared. If anyone has any idea please help!

*note that I am familiar with how to add a Pavlovia survey into Psychopy, and have done so several times successfully

I’m not sure what has happened to your installation. Uninstalling before reinstalling might help.

However, a workaround would be to copy a survey component from an existing experiment. To do this, you’ll need to start a new copy of PsychoPy (File / New or the icon below File) so you have two copies that can talk to each other. Then copy and paste using the Experiment menu.