Hey guys,
I am trying to make my experiment work in the fMRI. We already set up the parallel port using this code:
Begin Experiment Tab:
from psychopy import parallel
Each frame:
if frameN > 1: #To allow the ‘Waiting for Scanner’ screen to display
trig = parallel.readPin(10)
print(“Pin10 output” + str(trig))
if trig != 0:
continueRoutine = False #A trigger was detected, so move on
The experiment should start, when the first trigger is sent. The experiment runs on Windows. Sometimes the experiment directly starts at the first trigger and works perfectly fine. But sometimes and I don’t know why, it doesn’t. Then there is just the “Wait for Scanner” screen and nothing happens, even if pulses are coming in.
I would be so glad, if somebody could help me.
Best, Saskia