NameError: name 'image' is not defined

OS (e.g. Win10): Mac
PsychoPy version v2022.2.4

What are you trying to achieve?:
Having the participant make a choice whether a group of pictures are in the same category or not

Hello! I am trying to finish up my task. It is a quick detection task where the participant has to quickly identify if the group of photos presented is in the same category or not (threat v neutral). This is the message I am getting from psychopy builder. Any guidance is appreciated. Thanks!

File “/Users/marymousa/Desktop/gvtasks-master/html/resources/”, line 4707, in
NameError: name ‘image’ is not defined
################# Experiment ended with exit code 1 [pid:1109] #################

Do I need to change the image name at all? I also have the TD_Practice loop conditions set as: $prac

Do you have a column in your spreadsheet called image?

Is your image component set to update every repeat?

Hello! In the excel sheet titled “blocks” there is a column that states the name of another spreadsheet with the images (comm_prac.xlsx) and inside the comm spreadsheet is the image component. Should I change it to the image within the first spreadsheet (blocks)?

Yes the image component is set to update every repeat.

I hope that made sense and I appreciate any advice you can offer. Thank you!

Assuming that your image component is within the loop pointing at comm_prac.xlsx and that spreadsheet has a column of file names then perhaps a good option would be to change the column header in that sheet from image to imagefile and change the image in the image component from $image to $imagefile (just in case image is being used for something else – which would be the case if you tried to run this online).

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