I need to showcase a short story and as it is long i need three screens for the whole story (by pressing the space button one can switch pages). There are four versions (containing diff. target words) of the story, and I need to randomly showcase a version. What would be the best way to do it using loops?
I made an excel file where the cells are the excerpts of the short story in different variations but they need to be showcased in the correct order.
Now, to make it a bit more complex, for one experiment I actually need the different parts of the text (from an Excel file) to be displayed in the correct order in different routines (RW_p1, RW_p2 and RW_p3), and not in one routine, and then I make a loop to display a chosen version only once.
How would I best go about it? I imagine something including $text+n+1 in the text component field? (since the text stimuli in Excel file are called according to the text version and the page out of three pages (verXpX: e.g.: ver3p1)) So In the first routine I always need to present a text stimulus that ends with p1, and in the second one that ends wit p2 etc, but the version (ver) needs to remain constant across the three routines.