Moving-window SPR paradigm

I used moving moving-window SPR paradigm.
and I have five loops, each assigned to a separate CSV file.

In Desktop mode, the CSV files load correctly, but as soon as I switch to browser mode, it seems like the CSV files aren’t loading.

The PsychoPy files are placed in the main Git folder, and the CSV files are in the resources folder within the Git directory.

So Loop condition is resources/exercise.csv

Begin Routine

sentenceList = expsentence.split()
wordNumber = -1     
timeOfLastResponse = 0  

def replaceWithdash(textList, currentWordNumber):     
    dashSentence = ''
    for index, word in enumerate(textList): # cycle through the words and their index numbers 
        if index != currentWordNumber: 
            dashSentence = dashSentence + '--' * len(word) + '--' # add two strings of dash characters 
        elif wordNumber==5: 
            dashSentence = ' ' + dashSentence + word + '.'# the last word will appear with a period
            dashSentence = ' ' + dashSentence + word + ' ' # except for the current word 
    return dashSentence # yields the manipulated sentence

exp_sprText.text = replaceWithdash(sentenceList, wordNumber)

Each Frame

keypresses = event.getKeys()

if ‘space’ in keypresses:

wordNumber += 1

if wordNumber >= len(sentenceList):  
    continueRoutine = False

    exp_sprText.text = replaceWithdash(sentenceList, wordNumber)

I want to know that python code works but if I change code type like Auto->JV, it said, it said /* Syntax Error: Fix Python code */ so is it problem of my situation?



You need working JavaScript-code to run the experiment online.

Best wishes Jens

I think enumerate might be your issue.