I thought I’d share a solution here that I found for a problem I encountered in my experiment that may be useful to others. I had a Python code component that ran the following test:
if c.isnumeric():
Auto->JS translation just kept this literal syntax, and this threw an error when running online, because apparently strings in JS do not have an .isnumeric() method.
My fix was the following. I did not want to have to manually edit only this line in JS, because I would have to redo that whenever I edit the Python code and have it auto-translated. So I decided to define a new function isnumeric() separately in both Python and JS. For Python, I added this function to a separate file ‘helpers.py’, and then included some python-only initialization code at the top of my experiment (in a “before experiment” code component):
from helpers import isnumeric
With that function defined as simply:
def isnumeric(x):
return x.isnumeric()
Then, I added some JS-only initialization code as well, defining:
function isnumeric(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
(Taken from here.)
This then allowed me to use the syntax isnumeric(c) in my Python code, which gets auto-translated to again isnumeric(c) in JS, which now works as both the Python and JS environments have correctly working functions by that name.