This is relevant: Loop.finished=true No longer working
Basically, name_of_loop.finished doesn’t work online and is iffy locally. trials.finished is generic, it applies to the most immediate loop currently running I believe. Calling one of your loops “trials” makes this a little confusing to discuss, but in fact when you call “trials.finished” you are not referencing the loop with that name, you are referencing whatever is the most proximal loop to that trial. If this code is in the feedback_stop trial, then it will probably only end the “beenden” loop, but won’t affect anything “above” it in the loop hierarchy (trials, start_selected, or constent_form_agree).
One solution I suggested to someone else which worked for a somewhat similar problem is to add dummy trials, that is, a trial that only contains a code component which is directly under the loop you want to end. So you could add a dummy trial after feedback_stop that is not under the beenden loop that only has a code component which checks your condition to go to “cigarette_length” and calls trials.finished=true in that case. However, I’m not sure if that would end what is currently called the “trials” loop as well as the “start_selected” loop, or only one of them, so you may need a second dummy trial that is under “start_selected” but not “trials”.