URL of experiment: https://gitlab.pavlovia.org/kylemorgan/pavl
Description of the problem: I am developing an online experiment where participants need to achieve 60% accuracy in order to break out of a Train + Test loop and end the experiment. In a code component located in the Test phase of my experiment I check to make sure they are on the last trial of the Test block, I check their accuracy, and if they are on the last trial (40) and are above 60% accuracy the loop (named outerLoop) should end. Here is the relevant code component:
if accuracy >= 0.6 & num_trials >= 40:
outerLoop.finished = true
This works flawlessly offline (Python), but online it just sends them back through my Test/Train loop even when they achieve 100% accuracy.
I have read through the 3-4 other threads of people having my exact issue and have tried changing “outerLoop.finished = true” to “trials.finished = true” but I get a “Can’t find variables: trials” error when I do so. This leads me to believe I am either not understanding the trials.finished command or my experiment is so different from theirs that the fix is perhaps not applicable. Is anyone available to help me out? Thanks!