OS: Windows 10
**PsychoPy version: 1.85.6
**What are you trying to achieve?: Have Psychopy record Jitter duration
Hi everyone,
I am trying to create a jittered fixation cross using code components. First I create a code component and add this in the ‘Begin Routine’ section:
import numpy
fixDuration = numpy.random.random() + 5.0
To my understanding this creates a random ITI between 5-6 seconds.
To make sure the stimulus interval is recorded I include in ‘End Routine’
thisExp.addData("Fixation duration", fixDuration)
I do not receive any syntax errors and the experiment runs fine, but when I try to load the excel data file nothing has been recorded during the experiment.
Every section is blank including fixation data framerate expName session and participant. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to fix this?