Is resetting trialClock necessary?

I have a simple visual search experiment. The task is to find the odd one out and indicate whether the odd one is present on the left or right side of the screen using simple key press. The main goal of the experiment is to record RT. The task runs for a certain number of loops and if there are incorrect responses then those partcular trials run for some more loops. If a partcular condition does not need repitition then it is skipped using ContinueRoutine= False. I was wondering it there is any need to reset the trial clock at the beginning of the experiment. Psychopy and JS both already has codes by default to take care of this right? I am just concerned because reaction time is the main thing that I am recording.

I’m not sure I understand the question – or perhaps the answer is a simple “No”.

I tend to either use t, the routine timer which is reset at the beginning of each routine, or a custom clock (myClock = core.Clock()) which I reset (myClock.reset()) when I want to start timing.

I simply want to ask whether it is necessary to reset the clock at the beginning of the routine which is looping over multiple conditions for a simple visual search experiment. I had this question just so that I could ensure that the RT is being corrected calculated every time a routine starts. If a trial is skipped, then does psychopy automatically reset the clock?

I don’t see a reason why skipping a routine would affect reaction times. How are you measuring RT? If it’s with a keyboard component then that will measure from the start of the component in that iteration of the routine.

Thanks for replying.
Actually I had seen a couple of my peers resetting the trialClock before every routine (and they too had the same visual search exp as mine) and I was not sure why that would be necessary. So I wanted to check once because it is long experiment and I just wanted to ensure there are no errors from my part. And yes, I have keyboard responses.
Thanks again!