But there are many more columns not listed on that page, like ‘type’ and ‘left_pupil_measure_2’.
And I don’t know the meaning of specific properties in ‘event_id’, ‘type’, and ‘left_upil_measure2_type’.
Are there articles or explanations about what meaning of each column and properties in the hdf5 file?
@jgeller112 (hope I have your username correct and don’t mind me roping you in here!) I think you might be familiar with gazepoint with the new eyetracking components is that correct?
So looking into the source code of the PsychoPy implantation modifies some of the standard GazePoint columns. The source code is not well documented but I think measure 1 is diameter in pixels and measure 2 is diameter in mm.
I have no clue what type refers to here. Are those the only two values type can take?
I uploaded an image to show what ‘type’ is.
The value was different depending on which file I opened.
For example, the type value was ‘54’ when I opened ‘FixationEndEvent’
and the value was ‘53’ when I opened ‘FixationStartEvent’.
And I have one more question!
Can I know how fixation event is defined??
I’m experiencing the same issue with my eye-tracking data. I wonder if someone can explain 1) how the events are defined and 2) how to match the fixation points with their corresponding event/stimulus?