Hi everyone,
An online demo of PsychoPy that demonstrates how to use independent random sampling with and without replacement was posted in this blog: https://discourse.psychopy.org/t/psychopy-online-demos/22319
I am currently trying to make the same experiment but with sounds using pathfiles in excel but to no avail. Essentially I want to have a single condition excel sheet with filepaths for wav stimuli that has one column that is randomized with replacement and the other column is randomized without replacement and played at the same time. I’ll upload a screenshot of my excel sheet on how it looks like, and I’ll post the github link of the demo that I am trying to add sound to.
Github link https://gitlab.pavlovia.org/vespr/independent-randomisation
By: Wakefield Morys-Carter
Excel condition sheet: Where the voices repeat randomly until the tone column finishes its trials
Thank you!