In Builder view, how to bring an interactive dialogue box in front of a background after a loop?

I’m still working on this code… I’ve got an issue regarding saving the data from the dialogue boxes:

  • I have 6 different loops with 100 trials each.

  • After each loop, there is a dialogue window that asks participants to give some information about their experience in the finished loop.

  • I use this code for the dialogue box to appear:

info = {'Green Deck: you got 4 poitns in %':'', 
         'Purple Deck: you got 30 points in %':'',
         'Purple Deck: you got 0 points in %':''}
dictDlg = gui.DlgFromDict(dictionary=info,
          title='Your description of the task', fixed=['ExpVersion'])
if dictDlg.OK:
    info =[0]
    print (info)
    continueRotuine =False

    print('User Cancelled')
    continueRotuine =False

The dialogue window appears when it supposed to and disappears after participant clicks OK and experiment proceeds with the next loop. But, data from the dialogue window are not stored in the final data spreadsheet. Do I miss anything in my code to make it store the data?

Also, the data from the whole experiment looks as a mess (for now I have only two trials for each loop). How can I customise it? And get rid of all the unnecessary columns?

Sorry, I’m mixing up the topics, but I thought there is no point to open up a new one.
Hope to hear some advice on this.
Thank you!