OS (e.g. Win10): OS X 10.14.4
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): 3.1.0
**Standard Standalone? (y)
What are you trying to achieve?:
I have a routine with 6 different radio buttons. I want to set it up such that subjects must make a selection on each of the radio buttons before they can proceed, and of course so that they can change their answer on a button before proceeding.
So I created the radio buttons with the slider component, and added a shapeStim as a button, and have a mouse element that has the shapeStim as a clickable object.
Now, I obviously cannot have the mouse element set to end Routine on valid click, because that would mean subjects could bypass answering the radio buttons.
I have a piece of code that keeps track of whether all 6 radio buttons have had sections, and that piece definitely works. But when I manually want to check whether the shapeStim has been clicked, it does not work.
What did you try to make it work?:
if responseChecker >=6 and button in mouse.clicked_name:
continueRoutine = False
in the above code, responseChecker is a variable that increments each time one of the radio buttons is selected (and then removes from the list to be checked); ābuttonā is the name of the shapeStim, and āmouseā is the name of the mouse component.
When I add print (mouse.clicked_name), I only get [], even when I click the button.
I also tried using gotValidClick, but that also always remains FALSE.
Any pointers would be massively appreciated
Thank you!