How to store image file paths on Pavlovia

There are two methods for working with Excel documents in the attached link:

You can use the first code I posted in that link, which is a custom function for reading xlsx/csv. Alternatively, you can use the TrialHandler code for reading xlsx/csv files. The rest of the code would look something like:

// four categories of stimuli
cate1 = [];
cate2 = [];
cate3 = []; 
cate4 = []; 

// images are displayed on left or right of screen
leftImages = [];
rightImages = [];

// read the stimuli from excel sheet
threshhold = Math.round(numItems / numCates);

for (let rowx of [...Array(numItems).keys()]) {
    // read in the row
    row = NEW_JS_OBJECT_CONTAINING_DATA(rowx)  // This will be your conditions file
    // save image filepath to appropriate list
    // images must be grouped in a single column
    // in category order to work

    if (rowx < threshhold) {
    } else if (rowx < threshhold * 2) {
    } else if (rowx < threshhold * 3) {
    } else {