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OS: macOS Monterrey
PsychoPy version: 2022.2.4
What are you trying to achieve?
I have created an experiment in Builder designed to collect continuous ratings of a number of audio tracks. Following each track I also have participants fill out Likert scales on enjoyment and familiarity. Ideally, I would like to randomize the presentation of the routines (audio tracks). However, I would need the subsequent Likert rating routines to still be presented after each track. Is this possible? I have pasted an image below to help explain.
So for example, I’d need the Through_The_Land and Unlock_Down routines randomized, but after the Through_The_Land routine is played, I need the “ThroughTheLand_Enjoyment” and “ThroughTheLand_Familiarity” (the Likert rating routines) to be presented right after and not randomized. So pretty much I’m hoping to randomize groups of routines.
Is this possible?
EDIT: I should also add that the experiment is natrually broken up into 2 parts (half of the clips in part 1 and the other half in part 2). Thus, ideally I would randomize within those parts specifically.
Sorry if my explanation is not clear.