How to press and hold one key to move the stimulus?

Hi there,

In my current Pavlovia experiment, I can press the arrow keys to adjust the location of an image. But each key press only increases or decreases the position of the image by 4 pix. How can I make it so that when I press down the right key, the image would keep moving right until I release the right key?

I’ve tried using this solution, but it didn’t work.

I’ve also tried storing the keypress duration, then set the duration to null, as following, but it’s not working as the image doesn’t move when I press the arrow keys.

begin experiment (these code is for restricting the range of all the possible locations for the image)

x_basic = ((is_right)? 115: -115);
    bx = (Math.random() * 160) - 80;
    by = (Math.random() * 160) - 80;
}while ((bx*bx) + (by*by) > 80*80);
startx = bx;
starty = by;
img_x = x_basic + bx;
img_y = y_basic + by;
old_key_length = 0;

begin routine

trial_resp.getKeys({"clear": true});'auto';

each frame

kp = trial_resp.getKeys({"waitRelease": false, "clear": false});
if ((kp.length > 0)) {
    pressed = kp[kp.length-1].name;
    duration = kp[kp.length-1].duration;
    if ((pressed === "up"&& duration == null)) {
        if ((bx*bx) + ((by+4)*(by+4)) <= 80*80){
            by += 4;
           img_y = y_basic + by;
    } else if ((pressed === "down"&& duration == null)) {
        if ((bx*bx) + ((by-4)*(by-4)) <= 80*80){
            by -= 4;
            img_y = y_basic + by;
    } else if ((pressed === "left"&& duration == null)) {
        if (((bx-4)*(bx-4)) + (by*by) <= 80*80){
            bx -= 4;
            img_x = x_basic + bx;
    } else if ((pressed === "right"&& duration == null)) {
        if (((bx+4)*(bx+4)) + (by*by) <= 80*80){
            bx += 4;
           img_x = x_basic + bx;

    old_key_length = kp.length;

Thank you so much! Deeply appreciated!

My method (the topic you are referring to) works fine. Which PsychoJS version are you on?

From what I see you haven’t initialized the keyboard object. That maybe why it2s not working.