How to link loop parameter to slider without 'syntax error'

Hi @dvbridges, I’ve got this working in psychopy (thanks to your example!), and I’m trying to implement this in pavlovia. I have been trying to edit the javascript code, but I keep getting the error “ is not a function”.

Pyschopy 2020.1.3, windows10, firefox

So far I have tried many slight variations of this:

Conditions file looks like this:

I’m trying to combine what you did here to refresh a variable from the Conditions file for both the slider labels and ticks. This javascript code above is a combination of trying to rewrite your psychopy code into javascript, combined with the “slider in javascript” code written here: Problems converting manually set sliders to psychoJS - #7 by awong26

Would you mind explaining what the first two lines in psychopy are doing here, so I can more explicitly figure out what to do in javascript? Or if you have direct javascript translation of course that would be fantastic!

Thanks in advance!