Help with Error please

I’m getting the same error but with a new Windows 10 PC (

I am using the latest psychopy standalone version 2020.2.8

The experiment was working up until yesterday but then I added a new routine and it did not include the new routine (it just used the which did not include the new routine). Then I deleted the and the runner gives me this error:

C:\Program Files\PsychoPy3\python.exe: can’t open file ‘C:\Users\Blyth\OneDrive - University of Bristol\Psychopy\StudentProjects\Mairead2020v2\’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Experiment ended.

It seems there are solutons regarding privacy settings with mac (eg. keyboard access or "right click on the app and then click ‘show contents’ then click thr MacOS file and then psychopy”.).This thread also seems to be successful with macs:

Keyboard psychtoolbox/hid failing with Mac OS Catalina update - #4 by fheiuap

but how do something similar with Windows?

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