My experiment involves creating a variable for the stimulus position and instead of using a conditions file I am aiming to loop through a list of x positions (for all positions y =0). Therefore creating a new x position on every trial.
I have a function in my code element at the start of my experiment (before experiment) that creates the list of x positions (using random.gauss because I want to positions to be drawn from a gaussian distribution). I can post this if necessary but the syntax is fine as the loops work exactly as they should when using Python alone.
Is the process of getting Psychopy to know I want a new value from the list on each trial that I am unsure of.
I have heard the .pop() might help me but is it correct that you have to reset the list after using it?
In begin routine I have the following for loop:
for i in range(len(target_list)): #for the target position list create loop
target_coin_position = target_list[i]
for i in range(len(cue_list)): #for the cue position list create loop
cue_coin_position = cue_list[i]