Dear all,
I’m writing a code giving a visual task connected with force sensor so that participants have to apply force in order to follow task given on the screen.
I have to update the task ‘each frame by frame’ because it’s a time-dependent task,
so I created a loop flipping once, updating screen to it’s corresponding status.
But it seems like flipping doesn’t run on monitor refresh rate correctly, depending on how the computer processor is running, it sometimes drops (delay) or even jump as if it was 120Hz even the refresh rate was 60Hz.
Is there a better way to guarantee frame rate as accurate as possible?
I’ve tried creating all the objects at the initialize phase so that it would only call while updating the screen,
I’ve thought of updating screen partially, but due to our task design, it has to be updated fullscreen.
I’ve disconnected the internet and turned off the background tasks (automated update, screening programs…etc) but it doesn’t solve the issue.
I’d appreciate to share opinion who had the similar issue. Thank you,