Hi everybody!
I am working with PsychoPy3 on Win10P. I have used the word naming demo to construct an experiment in which I use the VoiceKey for vocal RT time of 50 trials that last 750ms each trial. However, I am running into the problem that PsychoPy produces a RT falsely in the outputted data when I am intentionally silent for multiple trials.
I am wondering if there is any way to figure out why PsychoPy produces a RT when I am silent and if there is a way to fix this–perhaps by adjusting the microphone sensitivity or the code component?
This is in the Begin Routine code component:
Create a voice-key to be used:
vpvk = vk.OnsetVoiceKey(
Start it recording (and detecting):
vpvk.start() # non-blocking; don’t block when using Builder
This is in the End Routine code component:
The recorded sound is saved upon .stop() by default. But
its a good idea to call .stop() explicitly, eg, if there’s much slippage:
Add the detected time into the PsychoPy data file:
thisExp.addData(‘vocal_RT’, round(vpvk.event_onset, 3))
thisExp.addData(‘filename’, vpvk.filename)
If anyone knows anything about this or would be able to help I would appreciate it so much! Also, please let me know if I can provide any other information to further clarify.