Eye-tracking development for Pavlovia

Thanks for the tip @Michael!

I took a look and I’m not sure about GazeCloudAPI. I’ve got two worries:

  1. Webgazer performs the eye-tracking on your computer, but GazeCloud sends the webcam video to their server for processing. That’s quite privacy-sensitive info. They don’t have a privacy policy on their website, nor can I look up who owns their domain name: https://www.whois.com/whois/gazerecorder.com
  2. There are not a lot of customization options.

In my searching around, I did find that one of the developers of GazeRecorder forked a repo for face detection. That one seems quite interesting (more than 11k stars). https://github.com/justadudewhohacks/face-api.js

Best, Thomas

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