OS mac
What are you trying to achieve?:
I have a very simple experiment that plays sounds in a random order. I attached the builder file here. I’ve made a few psychopy tasks before without any problems, so I’m not sure what’s going on here.
What went wrong?:
When I hit run, I get a blank gray screen. Sometimes this happens for a second or two with other experiments, but here it never progresses past this screen to start the task. I know something is running, because it runs the code snippet I put at “beginning of experiment” which just generates a csv with the audio stimuli. I have to force quit psychopy because it stops responding.
I checked in Activity Monitor and it’s somehow using more than 60GB of RAM???
No idea what could be causing this. For now, I’m just testing it by playing a tone, so there are no stimuli to load.
Any ideas? Other tasks are working fine on my copy of psychopy. Thanks!!