URL of experiment: RecDep [PsychoPy]
Description of the problem: I have created my task in PsychoPy and this works fine from start to end. In my PsychoPy file, when defining stimulus lists for my loops, I have a piece of code that identifies a participant unique stimulus file (see below):
However when I go link my PsychoPy task with the Pavlovia server, I get the following error message:
As we can see the error appears to centre on the expInfo variable. I have attempted to solve this issue by defining the participant number from the start of the experiment with a participant number (e.g. 100), and this is the only information I link to expInfo in the experiment settings. However this solution does not work.
What is even more confusing is a colleague of mine uses the same code to define participant-unique file identifiers, and they have no problem. So I am at a bit of a loss as to how I can fix this issue!
Thanks in advance and best regards,