Error running psychopy executable compiled with py2exe


I used psychopy 1.8 to develop a cognitive task and now I want to make it a standalone executable using py2exe.
I used the following setup code:

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
import sys
import os, matplotlib


#the name of your .exe file
progName = ''

#Initialize Holder Files
preference_files = []
app_files = []

#define which files you want to copy for data_files
for files in os.listdir('C:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda2\\Lib\\site-packages\\psychopy\\preferences\\'):
    f1 = 'C:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda2\\Lib\\site-packages\\psychopy\\preferences\\' + files

#if you might need to import the app files
for files in os.listdir('C:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda2\\Lib\\site-packages\\psychopy\\app\\'):
    f1 = 'C:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda2\\Lib\\site-packages\\psychopy\\app\\' + files

all_files = [("psychopy\\preferences", preference_files),("psychopy\\app", app_files), my_data_files[0]]
file = open('prints.txt', 'w')

#define the setup
                data_files = all_files,
                options = {
                        "skip_archive": True,
                        "optimize": 2

but when I run the resulted executable I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 7, in
File “psychopy_init_.pyo”, line 42, in

File “psychopy\preferences_init_.pyo”, line 8, in

File “psychopy\preferences\preferences.pyo”, line 232, in

File “psychopy\preferences\preferences.pyo”, line 43, in init

File “psychopy\preferences\preferences.pyo”, line 136, in loadAll

File “psychopy\preferences\preferences.pyo”, line 195, in loadAppData

File “configobj.pyo”, line 554, in getitem

KeyError: ‘builder’

I’m using python 2, Windows 7 32bit.

Any clue?

I wanted to bump up this topic, in case anyone has a workaround.
I am using Python 3.8 on Windows 11 with psychopy==2023.2.3 and py2exe== and I am experiencing a similar problem, with the missing key being “general”.