Error in Mac when running experiment: Failed to load component package `sound`

Hi again @hta17,

I have seen a few Mac users on the forum having a similar issue which should be fixed in the next bug release. A workaround can be found in this post. The file that is referred to in this post can be found by navigating to:

Finder > Applications > PsychoPy > Right click > Show package contents > Contents > Resources > lib > python3.8 > psychopy > sound > __init.py__

When you’ve found and opened the file (you can just open it in the Coder window of PsychoPy), just search for the following:

from .transcribe import *

It’s that line that you’ll be adding the extra lines of code around. So in the end that line will look like this:

    from .transcribe import * # import transcription engine stuff
except ImportError:

Hope this helps!
