I have just installed PsychoPy’s newest version on my computer, but I run into an error when using a conditions file to loop over trials. When calling upon the Excel file, I get this error message:
Attribute error: ‘OrderedDict’ object has no attribute ‘Stim1Pos’
(Where ‘Stim1Pos’ is the name of the first variable in my Excel conditions file.)
When running PsychoPy on an older version, I do not encounter this problem. Could you tell me what I should change?
Please give the full text of the error message.
Hi @Annabel_Nijhof, I am looking at why you are getting this error but cannot recreate it based on this information. Would it be possible to upload you experiment and conditions file please?
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Hi Michael,
I have seen you mentioned in another topic that this appears to be a general bug in the newest PsychoPy-version? Sorry for not uploading the full error message before, in case it still helps, here it is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\k1772441\OneDrive - King’s College London\PsychoPyExps\NameAB\ContNameAB-b1-1.py”, line 561, in
exec(paramName + ‘= thisTrial.’ + paramName)
File “”, line 1, in
AttributeError: ‘OrderedDict’ object has no attribute ‘T1Pos’
(But basically I get the same error message for any of my experiments calling on an xlsx-file for the conditions…)
Hi Annabel, did you see David’s request above? We need to get a reproducible example to chase down this problem.
I have the same issue.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Users/testingroom2/Desktop/EXPs/SL/scram/TL_mr_scram.py”, line 367, in
exec(paramName + ‘= thisBlockLoop.’ + paramName)
File “”, line 1, in
AttributeError: ‘OrderedDict’ object has no attribute ‘testblockA’
testblockA is the first column in my blockorder csv file
I’m having a related problem. I recently updated to Pscyhopy 1.90 and now (using Builder) when, in a code component, I call a variable from a spreadsheet I get the same Attribute Error. Has the code for calling a variable from a spreadsheet in a code component changed?
This was the code
timeToAdd = thisMainLoop.times
(Loop name = mainLoop, the attached spreadsheet has a column labelled “times”). This was how it used to work but now I get the “AttributeError” message.
Anyone know what’s going on?
Hi @Mark_Scott, the error is saying that the code is referencing an attribute called “times” in thisMainLoop
, which does not exist. You can access your key value pairs stored in your variable using square brackets, so try:
timeToAdd = thisMainLoop['times']
If this does not work, please post a minimum working example of your code.
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That solved it - thanks! I assume this is a change caused by the switch to Python 3.