AC_06_Trigger_sp.psyexp (91.1 KB)
Practice.xlsx (8.7 KB)
Hi all,
I’m developing a dual task paradigm in PsychoPy with EEG integration via parallel port triggers. The experiment structure is as follows:
- Task 1: Visual discrimination task
- Task 2: Go/NoGo task
I’ve set up triggers for:
- Task 1 stimulus presentation
- Task 2 stimulus presentation
- Task 1 responses
- Task 2 responses
Everything is working correctly except for the Task 2 response triggers. I’ve noticed that when the “Force end routine” option is checked on the Task 2 keyboard component, the triggers for Task 2 responses don’t get sent. However, when I uncheck this option, the triggers work fine.
The issue is that I need both: I want the routine to end immediately when participants respond to Task 2, but I also need the triggers to be sent correctly before the routine ends.
Has anyone encountered a similar issue? Any suggestions on how to ensure the Task 2 response trigger is sent before the routine ends?
Thanks in advance for your help!