Am typing this on an iPad without a interpreter so this may be full of errors:
Begin routine tab:
stimuli = [square, square1, square2, …] # up to 9
current_square = -1
Each frame tab:
# create an array to record what stimulus numbers are
# currently clicked in, defaulting to -1:
selected = np.zeros(9, dtype = int) - 1
# cycle though all stimuli in order:
for i, stimulus in enumerate(stimuli):
if mouse.isPressedIn(stimulus):
selected[i] = i # keep track of all at 🐭 pos
if i == current_square: # simple:
break # exit the loop, so only one moves
# but need to check if none are selected, or, if there
# is a new selection, move it:
if selected.sum() == -9: # nothing selected
current_square = -1
elif current_square == -1 or selected[current_square] == -1: # a new selection
current_square = selected[selected > -1].min() # choose the lowest non-selected value