Does the random function work differently on PsychoPy coder and code component for Builder view?

In the code component of the builder, using the code below works fine.

nEls = 1000
xys = random([nEls,2])*400-200 #400 pix centered on zero

However in the coder of PsychoPy, if I were to use the following code:

 import random 
 nEls = 1000
 xys = random([nEls,2])*400-200 #400 pix centered on zero

The following error appears:
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

And if I were to include random.random as follow:

 import random 
 nEls = 1000
 xys = random.random([nEls,2])*400-200 #400 pix centered on zero

The resulting error is:
TypeError: random() takes no arguments (1 given)

Am I making an error in the coder of PsychoPy? Is it not possible to use the random function in the coder?

Side note: the following works just fine, but it only generates 1 value

import random
xys = random.random()*400-200 #400 pix centered on zero

Thank you.

If you compile a script from Builder you can see how it does the importing I’d various functions like random. We import random from the numpy library (numeric python) which supports creating arrays.

Thank you for that!

Using the following works:
from numpy.random import random

This error statement TypeError: ‘module’ object is not callable is raised as you are being confused about the Class name and Module name. The problem is in the import line . You are importing a module, not a class. This happend because the module name and class name have the same name .

If you have a class “MyClass” in a file called “” , then you should import :

from MyClass import MyClass

In Python , a script is a module, whose name is determined by the filename . So when you start out your file with import MyClass you are creating a loop in the module structure.