Display and flip frame on the second monitor

I am trying to get the psychopy to display the experiment to work on the second since we have two computer screens. I was able to create the experiment. The only thing I need to do to figure out how to display and flipping the frame on the second monitor/computer.

I came across this article and I am still stuck on how to get to work.

Here’s the screenshot from the article:

If anyone can help me with this, that would be great!

If you create your experiment in Builder then win will be controlled by the Builder and you need to create and name your second monitor, e.g. otherWin and then flip it with otherWin.flip()

Is this how I create and name the second monitor?

Try something like the following in a code component

win2 = visual.Window(
    size=[1920, 1080], fullscr=True, screen=0, 
    winType='pyglet', allowStencil=False,
    monitor='MySecondMonitor', color=[-1,-1,-1], colorSpace='rgb',
    blendMode='avg', useFBO=True, 
    units='height', pos = [-200, -200])

I tried to copy the code you provided and paste it under Begin experiment tab and it didn’t work. Is it possible to flip ever frame since the experiment I am helping designing are images of stimuli?

I would imagine putting win2.flip() into Each Frame code so the two windows flip at the same time. The alternative would be to flip win2 when you know it has changed.

You might need to experiment with the value for screen.

If your only request is to display the entire experiment on your second screen, then it can be solved way easier by just selecting the second monitor in the experiment options. No further code required: