I have two images presented on a screen and I want to counterbalance the side they appear on so that in one trial an image will appear on the left and in a subsequent trial it will appear on the right side of the screen, I was wondering how to do this.
Thanks in advance!
If you want to have a conditional presentation where an image on the right must follow an image on the left, you can add some code in a code component to do this. You can have a single image component to do this, so long as they are not appearing simultaneously. Make sure code component is ordered after your image component
# Begin experiment
imPositions = [(-.5, 0), (.5, 0)]
shuffle(imPositions) # to randomize first position
# Begin routine
if image.pos[0] == -.5:
image.setPos((.5, 0))
image.setPos((-.5, 0))
Thank you!
When I tried to do this it flipped the side that the image appears on the screen every subsequent trial, I was wondering if there was a way to randomize the side the image appears on (e.g. ~Left, Left, Right, Left~ instead ~Left, Right, Left, Right~)
Ok I was basing my solution on this. Yes, no problem, see code:
# Begin experiment
imPositions = [(-.5, 0), (.5, 0)]
# Begin routine
shuffle(imPositions) # to randomize position
image.setPos(imPositions[0]) # Now position is random on every trial