Counterbalancing across participants

Hey Marinalosifian,

I’m encountering the same problem, only that we have 200 conditions, one condition for each participant.

To counterbalance randomly this post gives a solution (Assigning participants randomly to a condition).

However I want to determine the condition for each participant in advance myself, not randomly. As the previous recommendation explains, it’s easy to turn the stimulus-input into a variable. But one needs an x value to compute the value of f(x), in my case I need the participants number and then I can automatically assign the condition, my individual excel sheet (‘participant 001’ gets ‘sequence001.xlsx’). The participant can type in a participants number, he or she thinks of himself, but how can he know, if he is 001, 004 or 199? This is my last piece of the puzzle, how to automatize this and I hope you maybe have an answer to that. Currently my strategies are:

a) is a participant recruiting platform like Prolific Academic or MTurk providing those chronicle ranks and can we links those ranks to our experiment either automatically or via the participant typing in his rank

b) to code a counter, that counts how many data sets have already been committed and then adding +1 to define the new participant number, which then can easily be related to the right excel sheet.

Thanks for your help!