OS: Windows 11
Version: PsychoPy 2024.1.5
Standard Standalone: Yes
Goal: End routine using continueRoutine = false in JS tab of code component
Problem description:
I am translating a .psyexp file to JavaScript, with the help of the builder. Some custom code components break with the auto-translator. Among those is this Python code:
Each frame:
if redSquare.contains(mouseRedSquare):
continueRoutine = False
As you can see I check whether a mouse component “mouseRedSquare” is within the bounding box of a polygon “redSquare”, and when it is I want to end the routine.
I wrote this JS code to do that (it’s a bit of a mess):
Each frame:
mouseRedSquarePos = mouseRedSquare.getPos();
function convertToHeightUnits(mouseRedSquarePos) {
let [mouseX, mouseY] = mouseRedSquarePos;
let heightX = ((mouseX * (psychoJS.window.size[0] / psychoJS.window.size[1]))/2); // Convert x to height units
let heightY = (mouseY/2); // Convert y to height units
return [heightX, heightY];
let [XRedSquare, YRedSquare] = convertToHeightUnits(mouseRedSquarePos);
ratio = psychoJS.window.size[0] / psychoJS.window.size[1]
console.log([XRedSquare, YRedSquare]);
console.log([-0.0625ratio, -0.4125ratio]);
if (-0.00625 * ratio <= XRedSquare && 0.00625 * ratio >= XRedSquare && YRedSquare >= -0.4125 && YRedSquare <= -0.3875) {
continueRoutine = false;
This code works fine the first time I encounter the routine. However, it only works once. When I later in the experiment use the same routine, placing my cursor on the red square no longer ends the routine for some reason.
What I tried:
I have tried to split the final if statement and the continueRoutine = false using some counters and ‘==’ logic. Didn’t work.
I tried continueRoutine = true in the “begin routine” tab. Didn’t work.
I tried to use some other logic to check whether the cursor is in the red square:
(mouseRSPos = mouseRedSquare.getPos();
mouseRSPosHeight = [(mouseRSPos[0]/2)*psychoJS.window.size[0]/psychoJS.window.size[1], mouseRSPos[1]/2];
mouseRSPosPix = [mouseRSPos[0]*psychoJS.window.size[0], mouseRSPos[1]*psychoJS.window.size[1]];
if (redSquare.contains(mouseRSPosPix, ‘pix’)){
continueRoutine = false;
This didn’t work even once, so I disabled it.
I am at wit’s end, any help is very much appreciated!
Thanks in advance