continueRoutine error when trying to skip routine

I am trying to skip a routine using

if key_press_5.corr == 1 and position =='left':
   continueRoutine = false

But no matter which place i put it, begin routine or each frame, i get this error message
NameError: name ‘false’ is not defined

Hello @radi

Python is case-sensitve, try False Check the color coding in your code-component. Python keywords are in red.

Best wishes Jens

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I tried that as well and when it converts it to JS it’s still in lowercase.

Actually, I think this worked! I did also see that when running online, a key press to skip a routine doesn’t work, is there any way it wont be affected when put online.

Good morning @radi

This is correct. The example you gave was a PsychoPy example. In Python booleans are written with a capital first letter, e.g. ‘True’, ‘False’, but in JavaScript they are written in lower case, e.g. ‘true’, ‘false’.

Best wishes Jens

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