OS : Win10
PsychoPy version : 2022.2.5
What are you trying to achieve?: I’m making a PASAT. Participants are presented with one number stimulus at a time for 1.5secs. They must add the current number with the one previously viewed and click on the correct answer (numbers 1-20 presented on screen in images). The problem is, I want them to move on to next trial if there is no mouse response after 3 seconds (but also provide correct/incorrect feedback if a response was made). If a response is made, everything runs fine, but if there is no response, it crashes.
What did you try to make it work?: I tried making all stimuli and response components in the routine last for only 3 seconds. Also tried adding a code component at top of feedback routine with the following code in “each frame” tab:
if mouse.clicked_name[-1] == corrClick:
fb_text = 'Correct!'
fb_col = 'green'
mouse.clicked_name[-1] != corrClick
fb_text = 'Incorrect'
fb_col = 'red'
if t > 3.0:
continueRoutine = False
What specifically went wrong when you tried that?: If there is no response, I get this error message:
if mouse.clicked_name[-1] == corrClick:
IndexError: list index out of range
I’m new to coding so any help would be very much appreciated! I know the last bit is what’s causing the problem, I just don’t know how to limit each trial to a 3 second time-limit.