URL of experiment: https://run.pavlovia.org/arkadiym/pic_rate_a_1/html
Description of the problem: My experiment contains a routine in which participants enter a responses on the screen. I was wondering if someone might know how I can constrain participants’ responses to just numbers, so that random keys are not inputted as part of the responses. Below is the code:
In Builder, entered into each frame, on the python (left) side:
keys = event.getKeys()
if len(keys):
if 'space' in keys:
text.text = text.text + ' '
elif 'backspace' in keys:
text.text = text.text[:-1]
elif 'lshift' in keys or 'rshift' in keys:
modify = True
elif 'return' in keys:
continueRoutine = False
if modify:
text.text = text.text + keys[0].upper()
modify = False
text.text = text.text + keys[0]
In Builder, entered into each frame, on the javascript (right) side:
let theseKeys = psychoJS.eventManager.getKeys();
if (theseKeys.length > 0) { // at least one key was pressed
textAdd = theseKeys[theseKeys.length-1];
if (textAdd === 'return') {
textAdd = ''; // Add nothing
continueRoutine = false; // End routine (if that is what you want)
} else if (textAdd === 'space') {
textAdd = ' '; // Add a space
} else if (textAdd === 'backspace') {
text.text = text.text.slice(0, -1);
textAdd = undefined;
} else if (['lshift', 'rshift'].includes(textAdd)) {
modify = true;
} else if (textAdd !== undefined) {
if (modify) {
text.text = text.text + textAdd.toUpperCase();
modify = false;
} else {
text.text = text.text + textAdd
textAdd = undefined;