Conditionally providing feedback and skipping a routine

Hello, I’m having trouble providing feedback and skipping a routine after completing all blocks. There are topics about conditional feedback and skipping a routine, but I am so confused by the coding of both and cannot implement them in one task. Any help is greatly appreciated. My task consists of five blocks, each containing nine trials (Routine name: Blocks). In total, I present 45 stimuli. After each block, participants are required to make a choice to continue seeing the following block or give an answer (Routine name: Choice). If they want to continue seeing the following block, they have to press the “A” key; if they want to give an answer, they have to press the “B” key. If they press the “B” key, after the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th block, they give their answer on a slider (Routine name: Rating). However, if they keep pressing the “A” key on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th blocks, that means they reached the 5th (last) block and they saw all the stimuli in the blocks. At this point, I need to skip the routine that I named “Choice” and give them feedback “You have seen all the medical records. Please provide your response.” instead, and then make them give their answer on a slider (Routine name: Rating). Do you have any suggestions?
Here are SSs for the builder, Blocks, Choice, and Rating routines.