Conditional loop termination works for one loop but not the other, despite using the same setup (routines, code etc. with adjusted variables)

I’m wondering what version of PsychoPy you are using, because I had similar issues when updating to PsychoPy 2020 from PsychoPy 3.something.something.
See this thread for more info: Loop.finished=true No longer working - #2 by Bobby_Thomas

But in summary I think you might need to change the code for how loops are ended since this was updated.
From that thread:

there a slight change to how you end loops in the latest version of PsychoPy/JS. To end a loop, use the following. In this example, we end the loop on the 2nd repetition of that current loop:

if (currentLoop.thisRepN == 2) 
    trials.finished = true;  // to end any loop, use 'trials'
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