Hi @jonathan.kominsky - thank you so much for your quick reply! I made the suggested update but unfortunately the result is the same as described in my previous post. I’ve tried to re-code this several ways now, and I get the same result every time.
It seems like the experiment will only progress through the routines via a key presses (not a code snippet declaring continueRoutine = false). Additionally, any audio starts either at the beginning of a routine or at a specific time (as told to by the sound component), not by anything written in a code snippet.
If I leave the condition element on “ding” blank, I get an error message. My coworker @fetch discussed this with @jon a few weeks ago here: frameDur is not defined error. However, putting a conditional variable into “ding” doesn’t work make the audio play. @jon, do you have any other suggestions to this problem?
The current experiment should be public here: https://gitlab.pavlovia.org/learningdevlab/v17_i_give_up (sorry for the name of the experiment - I named it in a moment of coding frustration)
if ((repeat == "r") && (exposure_sound.psychoJS.STARTED == true))
let repeatedRespKeys = repeated_resp.getKeys();
if (repeatedRespKeys[0] == 'y')
timetoDing = true;
continueRoutine = false;
else if ((repeat !== "r") && (exposure_sound.psychoJS.STARTED == true))
timetoDing = false
ding.status = PsychoJS.status.NOT_STARTED;
continueRoutine = false;