Hello everyone
In previous Psychopy versions, I used the following code to alert participants if they answered a comprehension question wrongly, but in the new version (2024.2.3), the code does not work anymore. I’d appereciate if you could help with this.
if Question_resp.corr == 1:
continueRoutine = False
Best wishes,
Mohammad Hesam
What tab is that code in?
I’m assuming Begin Routine of the routine following the one with Question_resp
Try some print statements to help debug.
E.g. prinr("keys/corr", Question_resp.keys, Question_resp.corr)
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You’re right. The code is in Begin Routine Tab.
Should I create a seperate code componant for print statements like the following video?
I forgot to tell you that the code works locally. The problem I have is with Pavlovia.
Thanks for the video. Three issues:
- I made a typo. It should be print not prinr
- The code was Python. Please use an auto translate code component.
- Please put the code in Begin Routine, not Begin Experiment.
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