Hi There,
Task is being run on Pavlovia.
I have a POLYGON in my psychopy builder that I have placed under an IMAGE-component. I want each IMAGE (‘blueprint_im’) to be linked with a different POLYGONE COLOR (e.g., #D2B48C). I tried looping through my IMAGES, and giving distinct colour names (‘green’, ‘blue’, ‘red’), and that worked fine.
If, however, I change my ‘colour’ column (in my .csv file) to a colour code (e.g., #D2B48C, OR in rgb format [[0.639, 0.435, 0.220]], OR in PsychoPy format [[0.8195, 0.7175, 0.61]]) it stops working (and I was hoping to use more specific colours).
- I load my .csv file in my loop, which contains my routine with the image and polygon components.
- My image component calls on my $blueprint_im column (which contains a filepath to a.png file). This works fine.
- For my polygon, under the ‘Appearance’ tab, I have Fill color and Border color call on the column $color_code. I have tried using RGB values, and Psychopy values, to no avail. If I try ‘red’ ‘green’ ‘black’ ‘blue’ in my .csv file column, then this works fine. Furthermore, I have tried adding, and removing square brackets (" [ ] ") from my RGB and/or PsychoPy colour values in the .csv file, but this has not worked either.
How can I make this work?