Description of the problem: Hello again, i am going crazy trying to debug the js file for the online experiment. I tried to edit the js file both with a notepad and from the psychopy coder, what’s more i keep having the same 2 errors back to back: i fix the “caught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘}’” by removing the “}” with a notepad and in the coder, saving the file and reuploading to pavlovia, but then i get “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input”. When i tried to fix this last error and runned again the experiment i got again the first error message. What’s the problem, what am i doing wrong?
By the way i tried opening it with an incognito tab and got the same error again. It seems theres a “{” that should not be in the code, and opening the js file with a notebook i can see it is indeed out of place in that line. Fact is i don’t know how to fix this besides editing the js file itself
Edit: Also when i try to open the js file without a notepad i get a message saying theres a syntax error in the first line of it. I checked and there was an “import” statement, but i read js doesn’t have “import”. Might this be the cause of all these problems? The aforementioned line its import { core, data, sound, util, visual, hardware } from './lib/psychojs-2024.2.4.js';