Hi all,
I’m trying to calculate the standard deviation of an array of bars. I have my experiment working locally using the code component in the builder, however I can seem to get it working online. I’m currently using Psychopy version 2020.2.
Below is the python version of my code:
#initialize item list, avg, and holding variables
item_list = []
avg = 0
res =0
end_num = set_avg[0]
for i in range(items):
#create list of 8 items randomly sampled b/t start and end numbers
res = random.randint(strt_num, end_num)
avg = sum(item_list)/items
sd = np.std(item_list)
dist =2*sd + end_num
#create variable for each line orientation
or1= item_list[0]
or2 = item_list[1]
or3 = item_list[2]
or4 = item_list[3]
or5 = item_list[4]
or6 = item_list[5]
or7 = item_list[6]
or8 = item_list[7]
And I converted it to JS, but I keep getting the error that “std is not defined”.
I can’t figure out why the std.math() function isn’t working or what the correct replacement should be. Below is my JS code:
item_list = [];
avg = 0;
res = 0;
end_num = set_avg[0];
for (var i = 0, _pj_a = items; (i < _pj_a); i += 1) {
res = randint(strt_num, end_num);
a = sum(item_list);
avg = (a/items);
sd = std.math(item_list);
dist =2*sd + end_num;
or1 = item_list[0];
or2 = item_list[1];
or3 = item_list[2];
or4 = item_list[3];
or5 = item_list[4];
or6 = item_list[5];
or7 = item_list[6];
or8 = item_list[7];
I think the issue I’m having is with the std.math() function, so any help on how to calculate the standard deviation of an array would be helpful!
Thanks in advance,