BART task space bar presses through

Hi together,

I want to do the BART task on Pavlovia but have an issue with the space button being pressed. I want ti pump up the balloon and therefore need seperated space presses to pump it up. When I run it locally ion PsychoPy, that works. But it seems that with the Java Script I have, it does not stop when space is pressed but you can just leave down the finger and it pumps up thw baloon till it pops. Now this biases my results and the whole idea of the game… this is the following java script i use for this:

var thisResp = psychoJS.eventManager.getKeys();
var spacePressed = thisResp.includes(“space”);

// Debugging output
console.log(thisResp: ${thisResp});
console.log(spacePressed: ${spacePressed}, prevSpacePressed: ${prevSpacePressed});

if (spacePressed && !prevSpacePressed) { // Detect space press only if it was not pressed before
nPumps += 1;
console.log(nPumps: ${nPumps}, maxPumps: ${maxPumps}); // Debugging output
if (nPumps > maxPumps) {
popped = true;
continueRoutine = false;

if (thisResp.includes(“return”)) {
popped = false;
continueRoutine = false;

prevSpacePressed = spacePressed; // Update the previous space pressed state

any ideas what could be wrong? Thank you!!