Audio: already exists and win32 doesn't support multiple portaudio streams

OS (e.g. Win10): Windows 11 pro
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): 2024.2.4
Standard Standalone? (y/n) Y
What are you trying to achieve?:
Migrating experiments that ran from a Mac M1. I’m getting this error:

psychopy.exceptions.SoundFormatError: Tried to create audio stream 44100_2_128 but 48000_2_128 already exists and win32 doesn’t support multiple portaudio streams

I changed every sound file to 128 bit. There are no other sounds (e.g. beeps). I use ptb setting with forced stereo. The sound files ran perfectly initially, on both the old Mac and this new Windows, so I doubt it’s a missing codec. I viewed the properties on the new sound files to verify each was now 128.

I played every sound independently (there are 26) of psychopy and all run perfectly.

Change all of the audio files to a bit rate of 48kHz.

I had, but I could not verify that in the software I had. I reran both (bit rate and sampling) in audacity and they now run.
I’m still puzzled why these run on the Mac and older PsychoPy, but I will not futz with success. I assume there was some problem with the online app I used to do the resampling.

Also, you can download audacity without the hub they try to get you to download, just fyi for those of us who like to avoid bloatware.

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