OS: Windows 11
Dear all,
I need help from you all, especially who has experience playing video at PsychoPy with MovieStim . I’ll explain it shortly below .
What are you trying to achieve?:
It seems to be a simple behavioral experiment: People give answers and ratings and we play multiple short videos (around a hundred of 8 seconds videos, which size is not large, around 76.0 MB in total), which are randomised.
What’s the problem?
I am having a problem with playing a group of videos in Psychopy in this experiment. We use visual.MovieStim function. The code of the experiment is done, and is able to run in some conditions, i.e.: This offline Psychopy experiment could work perfectly with a group of videos (let’s call this video “male videos” because the actor is a male).
However, when we change the videos to be acted by a female, i.e. “female videos”, the experiment sadly doesn’t work smoothly anymore. The “female videos” can play until some trials, then the experiment will crash somewhere in the middle, without leaving any clear error message.
This crash also happens randomly (not on a specific video, and not on a specific stage: often before/after video plays, sometimes at Likert scale, etc.).
What did we try already?
I set it up to be in line with the media format here: Media formats suitable for online studies — PsychoPy v2023.1.2 )
The video properties seem to be fine:
the videos’ format, they are already uniformly MP4. This should be no problem (when I changed to .avi, they work even worse, i.e. not running at all)
the videos’ codec, they are already uniformly H264 (when I changed to H265, they work even worse, i.e. not running at all)
Frame per second, size, look also all uniform and compatible with PschoPy. The size of the videos are very low already (11 MB), FPS are also similar with that of the videos that are running.
Also using VLC.movieStim function did not help. Also I had many programmers checked the codes (and lack-of error message), they all think the code is likely not problematic.
Thus, I am clueless about what should I check next/what should I change with the video properties, in order to make the experiment run until the end.
I would really appreaciate if someone could give me any idea of what else can I try out, especially with the video editing.
Thank you in advance!
Best wishes,