Alert 4210:JavaScript Syntax Error in 'Begin JS Routine' tab. See 'Line 1: Unexpected token' in the 'Begin JS Routine' tab

URL of the experiment:

Description of the problem:
Hi, I want to run my experiment via Pavlovia, but I encounter an Alert message (4210) that prevents me from running it online. I have identified that there is a syntax problem, but I’m not sure how to find it. Where is the ‘begin JS tab’? I have searched the forum and read all the conversations regarding this Alert number, but unfortunately, none of them have led me to understand the specific syntax error and how to find it.
here is the beginning of my JS code:


  • T1T2T3 Test *

import { core, data, sound, util, visual, hardware } from ‘./lib/psychojs-2023.1.3.js’;
const { PsychoJS } = core;
const { TrialHandler, MultiStairHandler } = data;
const { Scheduler } = util;
//some handy aliases as in the psychopy scripts;
const { abs, sin, cos, PI: pi, sqrt } = Math;
const { round } = util;

please assist me with this…
thank you all in advance

Have a look at these threads for how to trace the issue

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